The three foods you should NEVER keep in the fridge
Got leftovers? Experte suggest you shouldn't save all the components from last night's dinner in the fridge.
In fact, keeping some foods at a low temperature could cause potentially-fatal food poisoning, one expert has cautioned.
There are three types of food items that do not require refrigeration.
On the top of her shopping list: onions.
She pointed out that the extra water content in the onion creates an ideal setting for fungal spores to multiply, which can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhoea if ingested.
That is because mould — a type of fungus — found on food can generate mycotoxins, harmful substances that can cause illness.
The reason onions must be stored in a cool, dark place, like a cupboard, was pointed out by Ms Sanghvi.
Storing garlic in the fridge can pose similar risks.
Ms Sanghvi said: 'Muda the bawang putih akan berkecambah dan meregang, kehilangan rasa dan sifatnya.
It may taste unpleasantly bitter and unappealing, but the worst part is, it can also develop moulds and fungi that are hazardous to our health.
According to Ms Sanghvi, potatoes or "spuds" can become unhealthy if kept in the refrigerator.
'Endurable cooling causes starches to be converted into sugars. This causes the taste of food to be sweeter and gives it a rough texture,' she warned.
'She noted that cooking these modified potatoes at high heat can result in acrylamide formation, which is a potentially hazardous substance.'
However, whether this situation still exists or not is still up for debate.
It was a long-held belief that storing vegetables at low temperatures results in the formation of additional sugars.
Experts believed that these may produce cancer-causing acrylamide when they were fried, roasted, or baked.
In 2023, the Majlis Standard bagi Makanan (FSA - Food Standards Agency) has updated its guidelines to state that potatoes can be stored 'either in the fridge or in a cool, dry place'.
Some parties have raised doubts about the scientific basis of the cancer theory.
'Acrylamide is formed through a chemical reaction that occurs when an amino acid called asparagine is heated to high temperatures.'
This happens mainly during deep frying and roasting. Pre-cooking potatoes by blanching or soaking before roasting or frying lowers the formation of acrylamide.
'Microwaved potatoes, baked or boiled potatoes do not contain acrylamide.'
Besides flagging foods that contain toxins detrimental to storing in the fridge, Ms Sanghvi also pointed out ingredients that become even less appetising when stored that way.
One fruit that must remain in the fruit bowl and not be stored in the refrigerator is bananas.
Pengarah Ms Sanghvi mendapati suhu yang rendah boleh menyebabkan pisang 'tertingkatkan hijau dan lembik' kerana mengganggu proses pematangan buah tersebut.
Ginger is a type of food that generally stays fresh when stored outside the fridge.
That's because refrigeration can cause ginger to become dry and lose its freshness and flavour, rendering the root unusable for cooking, she explains.
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