6 must-see cult Italian films to see once in your life
Italian filmmakers like Fellini, Visconti, Sorrentino, and Benigni have made an indelible impact on the history of cinema over the years, leaving behind a treasure trove of iconic works of art... which absolutely must be seen at least once in a lifetime. Here are our top six picks.
occupies a unique position in the seventh art. Read more to learn about the best Italian films to watch at least once in your lifetime.
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(1960) by Federico Fellini
A journalist named Marcello Rubini, driven by a desire for fame, navigates the social scenes of Rome, rubbing shoulders with celebrities, high-society individuals, and artists. Through his experiences with this world, he becomes increasingly entrenched in its superficiality and simultaneously struggles with existential questions about his own life.
(2013) by Paolo Sorrentino
A renowned writer, Jep Gambardella, becomes disillusioned with the superficial lifestyle of Rome's high society, where he often loses himself in lavish parties and debauchery.
Characterized by ultra-refined beauty and a piercing examination of modern society.
"Shoeshine" is a 1948 Italian neorealist drama film directed by Vittorio De Sica.
Fighting alongside his son to find it, in the face of poverty and desperation.
This film is characteristic of Italian neorealism, presenting a stark portrayal of the socio-economic conditions of the era with an overwhelming sense of compassion.
(1960) by Luchino Visconti
Moves to Milan in search of a more promising life. Tensions and rivalries between the brothers, particularly over boxing and love, lead to unpreventable conflicts.
A poignant family drama that illuminates Italy of the 1960s and its complex social landscape with a vibrant energy.
(1997) by Roberto Benigni
Guido, a Jewish father, employs his wit and creativity to shield his son from the trauma of a concentration camp by transforming their stay into a "game" with rules he invents to maintain the illusion.
(1945) by Roberto Rossellini
During the Nazi occupation of Rome, resistance fighters wage a battle against the enemy, bolstered by the bravery of individuals like Pina, a dedicated mother, and a priest.
This film, a trailblazer of neo-realism, captures the hardships and resilience of Italians under oppressive circumstances.
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